Photographers are invited to bring along up to six related prints or PDIs to discuss in a friendly supportive environment. Work could be part of a
panel, or a project that you are working on, work for an exhibition, or a technique that you are developing. It is not a distinction advisory day,
although anyone working towards a distinction might find it useful to discuss their work.
Shambellie House, New Abbey, Dumfries, DG2 8HQ
Cost: £11.50 for RPS members and £13.50 for Non-RPS members
Lunch will be available for a cost of £5.00 (dietary requirements are catered for).
Bookings CLOSE on the 9th November 2023 Lunches MUST be booked before the 2nd November.
Participants will be contacted in advance of the day to ask for information about dietary requirement and what work they are bringing.
Images: Prints can be mounted or not, PDI images to be JPEG sRGB.
Saturday 11th November 2023 Starting at 10.30 until 15.00 hrs GMT. To reserve a place email: